Results for 'Maria S. Altieri'

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  1.  25
    Transgenic Crops: Implications for Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture.Miguel A. Altieri & Maria Alice Garcia - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (4):335-353.
    The potential for genetically modified (GM) crops to threaten biodiversity conservation and sustainable agriculture is substantial. Megadiverse countries and centers of origin and/or diversity of crop species are particularly vulnerable regions. The future of sustainable agriculture may be irreversibly jeopardized by contamination of in situ preserved genetic resources threatening a strategic resource for the world—s food security. Because GM crops are truly biological novelties, their release into the environment poses concerns about the unpredictable ecological and evolutionary responses that GM species (...)
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    Empirical Psychology and the Repressed Memory Debate: Current Status and Future Directions.Maria S. Zaragoza & Karen J. Mitchell - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (1):116-119.
  3. Integrating gender in economic analysis.Maria S. Floro - 2014 - In Mary Evans, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Sumi Madhok, Ania Plomien & Sadie Wearing (eds.), The SAGE handbook of feminist theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE reference.
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    A theory of concealment.Maria S. Grigoryeva - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (6):1321-1355.
    Concealment, or the deliberate withholding of information from others, is of fundamental sociological interest. Yet, a general theoretical framework of concealment is missing from the sociological canon. This paper specifies a model that builds on and goes beyond existing accounts of concealment by emphasizing the desire for autonomy. I propose that the desire for autonomy, and the subjective assessment of concealment as the best route to achieve autonomy, lead individuals to attempt concealment. After specifying a dyadic model based on the (...)
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    Enhanced habituation produced by posttrial peripheral injection of substance P.Maria S. Aguiar & Carlos Tomaz - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):204-206.
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    La omnipotencia del Absoluto en Suárez: la necesidad de una perfección infinita / God’s Omnipotence in Suárez. The Need of Absolute Perfection.María S. Fernández García - 2011 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 18:179.
    In this paper I study the attribute of God ́s omnipotence in Francisco Suárez. The need, perfection and infinity of the divine essence qualify this attribute crucially; potence belongs to God himself, who –as an infinite being- contains all possible perfection. God contains all by its nature, because He contains every possibility, which is infinite. Thus, undestanding Himself, God understands everything, because He contains all in its essence.
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    Strength and Respectability: Black Women’s Negotiation of Racialized Gender Ideals and the Role of Daughter–Father Relationships.Maria S. Johnson - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (6):889-912.
    Black women and girls face conflicting expectations to be both strong and respectable. Studies of their socialization into racialized gender ideals often focus on the influence of society, mothers, and media. In this article, I investigate how black women’s relationships with their fathers shape their responses to racialized gender ideologies. Based on 79 in-depth interviews with 40 college-educated black women between the ages of 18 and 22, the data show that the quality of daughter–father relationships influences how black women navigate (...)
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    The Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on Student Well-Being and the Mediating Role of the University Support: Evidence From France, Germany, Russia, and the UK.Maria S. Plakhotnik, Natalia V. Volkova, Cuiling Jiang, Dorra Yahiaoui, Gary Pheiffer, Kerry McKay, Sonja Newman & Solveig Reißig-Thust - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The rapid and unplanned change to teaching and learning in the online format brought by COVID-19 has likely impacted many, if not all, aspects of university students' lives worldwide. To contribute to the investigation of this change, this study focuses on the impact of the pandemic on student well-being, which has been found to be as important to student lifelong success as their academic achievement. Student well-being has been linked to their engagement and performance in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities, (...)
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    Modernizing the Patriarchal Family in West Germany: Some Findings on the Redistribution of Family Work between Women.Maria S. Rerrich - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (1):27-37.
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    Book Review: Unbought and Unbossed: Transgressive Black Women, Sexuality, and Representation by Trimiko Melancon. [REVIEW]Maria S. Johnson - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (5):846-848.
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    Hierarchy disruption: Women and men.János M. Réthelyi & Mária S. Kopp - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):305-307.
    The application of evolutionary perspectives to analyzing sex differences in aggressive behavior and dominance hierarchies has been found useful in multiple areas. We draw attention to the parallel of gender differences in the worsening health status of restructuring societies. Drastic socio-economic changes are interpreted as examples of hierarchy disruption, having differential psychological and behavioral impact on women and men, and leading to different changes in health status.
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    The cognitive consequences of forced fabrication: Evidence from studies of eyewitness suggestibility.Q. Chrobak & Maria S. Zaragoza - 2009 - In William Hirstein (ed.), Confabulation: Views From Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Philosophy. Oxford University Press. pp. 67--90.
  13.  30
    Type D Personality and Alexithymia: Common Characteristics of Two Different Constructs. Implications for Research and Clinical Practice.Maria S. Epifanio, Sonia Ingoglia, Pietro Alfano, Gianluca Lo Coco & Sabina La Grutta - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Idea of "Archaeology of Perception" in the Process of Trust Creation between Patient and Physician.Yuliya S. Filippovich & Maria S. Filippovich - 2023 - Geltung - Revista de Estudos das Origens da Filosofia Contemporânea 2 (1):e65722.
    The interaction between the patient and the doctor is refracted through the phenomenon of trust. In antiquity, an individual's self-care took place through metaphorical objects: dreams and their retelling, revision, mirror, etc. In the age of Enlightenment, trust becomes in some way an economic characteristic that measures the attitude towards a person and forms an idea about him. In the moral context, the phenomenon of trust manifests itself through sympathy, which is meant as a «social lubricant» (A. Smith), which ensures (...)
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    Berchoriana.Maria S. Van Der Bijl - 1965 - Vivarium 3 (1):149-170.
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  16. Berchoriana. der Bijl & S. Maria - 1965 - Vivarium 3 (1):149-170.
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  17. Petrus berchorius, reductorium morale, liber XV: Ovidius moralizatus, cap. II. der Bijl & S. Maria - 1971 - Vivarium 9 (1):25-48.
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    Petrus Berchorius, Reductorium morale, liber XV: Ovidius moralizatus, cap. ii.Maria S. Van Der Bijl - 1971 - Vivarium 9 (1):25-48.
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  19. Knowing whether A or B.Maria Aloni, Paul Égré & Tikitu de Jager - 2013 - Synthese 190 (14):2595-2621.
    The paper examines the logic and semantics of knowledge attributions of the form “s knows whether A or B”. We analyze these constructions in an epistemic logic with alternative questions, and propose an account of the context-sensitivity of the corresponding sentences and of their presuppositions.
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  20. The cognitive consequences of forces confabulation: evidence from studies of eyewitness suggestibility.Quin M. Chrobak & Zaragoza & S. Maria - 2009 - In William Hirstein (ed.), Confabulation: Views From Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
  21. Acting Intentionally and Acting for a Reason.Maria Alvarez - 2009 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 52 (3):293-305.
    This paper explores the question whether whatever is done intentionally is done for a reason. Apart from helping us to think about those concepts, the question is interesting because it affords an opportunity to identify a number of misconceptions about reasons. In the paper I argue that there are things that are done intentionally but not done for a reason. I examine two different kinds of example: things done “because one wants to” and “purely expressive actions”. Concerning the first, I (...)
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  22. Actions and events: Some semantical considerations.Maria Alvarez - 1999 - Ratio 12 (3):213–239.
    Since the publication of Davidson’s influential article ‘The Logical Form of Action Sentences’, semantical considerations are widely thought to support the doctrine that actions are events. I shall argue that the semantics of action sentences do not imply that actions are events. This will involve defending a negative claim and a positive claim, as well as a proposal for how to formalize action sentences. The negative claim is that the semantics of action sentences do not require that we think of (...)
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    The Forerunner of All Things: Buddhaghosa on Mind, Intention, and Agency.Maria Heim - 2013 - Oup Usa.
    Scholars have long been intrigued by the Buddha's defining action (karma) as intention. This book explores systematically how intention, agency, and moral psychology were interpreted in all branches of early Theravada thought, paying special attention to the thought of the 5th-century commentator Buddhaghosa.
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    Ethical Climate in Nursing Practice.Maria R. Shirey - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (2):59-67.
    is to discuss the nurse leader's role in ensuring congruence between caring missions and caring practices. Ethical principles are discussed as the foundation necessary for creating an ethical climate for nursing practice. Components of ethical climate are presented and strategies to create a positive ethical climate for nursing practice are provided....
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    Stimulating professional collective responsibility from the outset in mainstreaming genomics.Maria Siermann, Amicia Phillips, Zoë Claesen-Bengtson & Eva Van Steijvoort - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (8):525-526.
    Owing to technological advances, genomic medicine is moving from specific to broader genetic analyses and from specialised to mainstream services. Sahan et al 1 point to complex ethical cases encountered by clinical laboratory scientists in the context of genomic medicine’s expansion. The authors discuss debates on interpreting and reporting genetic results, offering extended genetic testing and differences in the perceived responsibility of clinical laboratory scientists in different settings. As demonstrated by the case examples in the article, while genomic medicine holds (...)
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    A history of formal logic.Jozef Maria Bocheński - 1961 - Notre Dame, Ind.,: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Excerpt from A History of Formal Logic In this edition of the most considerable history Of formal logic yet published, the Opportunity has Of course been taken to make some adjustments seen to be necessary in the original, with the author's full concurrence. Only in 36, however, has the numeration of cited passages been altered owing to the introduction of new matter. Those changes are as follows. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. (...)
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    Knowing-Who in Quantified Epistemic Logic.Maria Aloni - 2018 - In Hans van Ditmarsch & Gabriel Sandu (eds.), Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game Theoretical Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 109-129.
    This article proposes an account of knowing-who constructions within a generalisation of Hintikka’s quantified epistemic logic employing the notion of a conceptual cover Aloni PhD thesis [1]. The proposed logical system captures the inherent context-sensitivity of knowing-wh constructions Boër and Lycan, as well as expresses non-trivial cases of so-called concealed questions Heim. Assuming that quantifying into epistemic contexts and knowing-who are linked in the way Hintikka had proposed, the context dependence of the latter will translate into a context dependence of (...)
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  28.  18
    Kant: ¿liberal o republicano?María Julia Bertomeu - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):162-179.
    En un interesante y polémico texto publicado por Alejandro Pinzani y Nuria Sánchez Madrid en 2016, bajo el título “The State Looks Down: Some Reassessments of Kant’s Appraisal of Citizenship”, los autores plantean una pregunta a la que aludo en el título del presente trabajo: Kant ¿liberal? ¿republicano? ¿o ambas cosas?, decantándose finalmente por un “ambas cosas”. Procuro discutir ciertas consideraciones sobre la distinción entre ciudadanía pasiva y activa; y la tesis que afirma que: por su clara aversión ante la (...)
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  29. Is Forgiveness a Good Thing?Maria Magoula Adamos - 2012 - Forgiveness: Promise, Possibility and Failure.
    While most scholars focus on the advantages of forgiveness, the negative effects of hasty forgiveness have been largely neglected in the literature. In this essay I shall argue that in certain contexts granting forgiveness to a wrongdoer could be morally questionable, and sometimes it could even be morally wrong. Following Aristotle’s view of emotion, and, in particular, his notion of virtuous anger, I shall claim that appropriate, righteous anger is instrumental for justice, and, as a result, inappropriate, or imprudent forgiveness (...)
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    Well-Being and Functioning at Work Following Thefts and Robberies: A Comparative Study.Ilaria Setti, Peter G. van der Velden, Valentina Sommovigo, Maria S. Ferretti, Gabriele Giorgi, Deirdre O'Shea & Piergiorgio Argentero - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:314754.
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  31. Free Will, Control, and the Possibility to do Otherwise from a Causal Modeler’s Perspective.Gerhard Schurz, Maria Sekatskaya & Alexander Gebharter - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (4):1889-1906.
    Strong notions of free will are closely connected to the possibility to do otherwise as well as to an agent’s ability to causally influence her environment via her decisions controlling her actions. In this paper we employ techniques from the causal modeling literature to investigate whether a notion of free will subscribing to one or both of these requirements is compatible with naturalistic views of the world such as non-reductive physicalism to the background of determinism and indeterminism. We argue that (...)
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    Instilling Values to Children in Conflict with the Law in a Youth Facility.Maria Virginia G. Aguilar - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (3):155-164.
    This study investigates how values are instilled to children in conflict with the law (CICL) in a Philippines youth facility through the houseparent–resident relationship. Although a wealth of literature has examined the condition of child residents in youth rehabilitation institutions, little is known about the relationship between the child residents and the houseparents assigned to care for them, particularly, how the values the houseparents instil in the children impacts on their rehabilitation. Through an ethnographic study of a child facility and (...)
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    Observaciones a propósito de un argumento fregeano en torno a la verdad.María Albisu Aparicio - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 29 (1):143-165.
    From the analysis of some proposals regarding Frege's reasoning about the indefinibility of the truth and supported on different considerations developed by J. Simon on this matter, this project proposes a new interpretation of the relations that the different theories of the truth have among themselves.
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  34. The secret that is the work of art: Heidegger's Lectures on Schiller.Maria Del Rosario Acosta Lopez - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (1):152-163.
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    Childhood and Eternity: On Unamuno's Tragic Pedagogy.José María Ariso - 2015 - Annales Umcs. Sectio I 39 (2):7-15.
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    Towards an Aesthetic Dimension of Critique the Time of the Beautiful in Friedrich Schiller's Letters on Aesthetic Education.Maria Del Rosario Acosta López - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:119-142.
    RESUMEN Se propone rastrear la interpretación que Schiller lleva a cabo en las Cartas sobre la educación estética del hombre del análisis kantiano del juicio de gusto puro como asociado con una suspensión de toda determinación que hace posible la experiencia de la belleza. Para Schiller, esto resulta en una temporalidad de lo bello experimentada como suspensión, que se torna adicionalmente en una suspensión de la temporalidad. El artículo muestra cómo este concepto resulta esencial para el concepto de crítica estética (...)
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    Keeping the Result in Sight and Mind: General Cognitive Principles and Language‐Specific Influences in the Perception and Memory of Resultative Events.Maria Sakarias & Monique Flecken - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (1):e12708.
    We study how people attend to and memorize endings of events that differ in the degree to which objects in them are affected by an action: Resultative events show objects that undergo a visually salient change in state during the course of the event (peeling a potato), and non‐resultative events involve objects that undergo no, or only partial state change (stirring in a pan). We investigate general cognitive principles, and potential language‐specific influences, in verbal and nonverbal event encoding and memory, (...)
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  38.  48
    Theories of the gift in South Asia: Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain reflections on dāna.Maria Heim - 2004 - London: Routledge.
    In South Asia, the period between 1100 and 1300 CE was a particularly prolific time for theorists from India's three main indigenous religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism - to articulate their views on the face-to-face gift encounter. Their gift theories shaped a cosmopolitan sensibility that shared ethical and aesthetic values that reached across regional, sectarian, and religious boundaries. This book explores the ethical and social implications of unilateral gifts of esteem, offering a perceptive guide to the uniquely South Asian (...)
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    A formal comparison of conceptual data modeling languages.C. Maria Keet - unknown
    An essential aspect of conceptual data modeling methodologies is the language’s expressiveness so as to represent the subject domain as precise as possible to obtain good quality models and, consequently, software. To gain better insight in the characteristics of the main conceptual modeling languages, we conducted a comparison between ORM, ORM2, UML, ER, and EER with the aid of Description Logic languages of the DLR family and the new formally defined generic conceptual data modeling language CMcom that is based on (...)
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    Contingency and Normativity: The Challenges of Richard Rorty.Rosa Maria Calcaterra - 2019 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    Contingentism depicts normativity as one of our human effective possibilities rather than as a metaphysical bottleneck which we should necessary fulfill. The book is a critical survey of Richard McKay Rorty’s “neo-pragmatism”, in the light of various theoretical arguments as well as of his own resourceful attempts to renew philosophy from within its practice.
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    Ethicisation and Reliance on Ethics Expertise.Maria Hedlund - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (1):87-105.
    Ethicisation refers to the tendency to frame issues in ethical terms and can be observed in different areas of society, particularly in relation to policy-making on emerging technologies. The turn to ethics implies increased use of ethics expertise, or at least an expectation that this is the case. Calling for experts on ethics when ethically complicated questions need to be handled helps us to uphold central virtues, but there are also problems connected with ethicisation. In policy-making processes, the turn to (...)
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  42. Sensibilidade, música e boemia: Antonio Maria.Maria Izilda S. Matos - 2007 - In Elio Cantalício Serpa & Marcos Antonio de Menezes (eds.), Escritas da história: narrativa, arte e nação. Uberlândia, Minas Gerais: EDUFU.
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    Does the City of Ends Correspond to a Classless Society?Maria Russo - 2019 - Sartre Studies International 25 (1):52-68.
    In the Critique of Dialectical Reason and in many interviews, Sartre upheld the proletariat’s attempts at emancipation in Western societies and their revolts in the developing world. In these texts, counter-violence is considered the only way to exercise concrete engagement, and a classless society is presented as the only possibility of reducing social inequalities. However, this radical point of view was not the only perspective he tried to develop. He also sought to elaborate an existentialist ethics, which does not correspond (...)
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  44. Philosophy with Children and the Proprioception of Thinking.Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2019 - Blog of the Apa.
    Proprioception is usually used in reference to body movement and the self-perception of body movement. Proprius in Latin means “one’s own,” or “self.” It refers to the physical knowledge acquired, say, in the process of doing a particular activity, such as riding a bicycle, for instance. You can be told how to ride a bicycle, and this may be of some help. But in the end, it’s the physical knowledge and not the mere theoretical knowledge that enables you to ride (...)
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    Contra la crueltat del món: vuit humanistes en combat.Josep-Maria Puigjaner - 2005 - Lleida: Pagès Editors.
    En aquesta arrencada del segle XXI, en què la tecnologia ens afalaga i alhora ens domina, ens calen humanistes que ens ajudin a interpretar la realitat i a tenir criteris per a abordar-la. Josep Maria Puigjaner, l'autor d'aquest llibre, s'ha proposat apropar al lector, a través de la narració d'alguns retalls -reals o imaginaris- de les seves vides, la personalitat de vuit humanistes que ens transmeteren, durant el segle XX, la seva manera d'entendre la vida i l'home. Són escriptors (...)
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    La metafísica de Santo Tomás en la Exposición sobre el De divinis nominibus de Dionisio Areopagita.Ignacio Eugenio María Andereggen - 1989 - Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Universidad Católica Argentina.
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  47. Contação de história: uma análise da escolha de histórias em um recorte de experiências gaúchas.Edgar Kirchof, Rosa Maria & Hessel Silveira - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):203-214.
    Storytelling is considered nowadays a proper strategy to encourage children to develop literary taste and reading and it is therefore being broadly practiced within educational spaces. Within this framework the present article deals with 140 reports on storytelling observation in schools for children’s education and first classes. These reports were carried out in different places in Porto Alegre and its surroundings. It was possible to observe that despite the joyful characteristic of the storytelling moment – that involves costumes, scenarios, puppets (...)
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  48. Revisiting Gender: A Decolonial Approach.María Lugones - 2020 - In Andrea J. Pitts, Mariana Ortega & José Medina (eds.), Theories of the Flesh: Latinx and Latin American Feminisms, Transformation, and Resistance. Oxford University Press. pp. 29-37.
    This chapter provides an analysis of the work of Rita Segato and María Lugones’s assessment of Segato’s approach to gender and questions of decoloniality. The chapter examines the concepts of “patriarchy” and “gender” from within several critical paradigms among communities of color, including, specifically, indigenous and Afro-descendant communities within Abya Yala (a Puna term for the geographic lands of the Americas). Lugones proposes that terms of analysis such as “patriarchy” and “gender” undermine the complexity of the relations of power constituted (...)
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    The Invisible Threshold: Two Plays by Gabriel Marcel.Brendan Sweetman, Maria Traub & Geoffrey Karabin (eds.) - 2019 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    The plays in this new volume were written early in Marcel’s career, and were published together under the title Le Seuil invisible (The Invisible Threshold) in 1913. The first play, Grace, explores the theme of religious conversion. The drama depicts a crisis between characters of genuine depth and sincerity, who are struggling with different interpretations of shared experiences. Similar themes are addressed but developed differently in the second play, The Sandcastle. This drama explores the confrontation between one’s beliefs and their (...)
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    Rethinking the Democratic Role of Education Through Childism.Maria Louise Larsen Hedegaard - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-29.
    There is a strong tendency in both theory and practice to view education’s democratic role as that of equipping students with specific attributes presumed necessary for democratic life. Discussions thus center around identifying the required values, skills, and capabilities, as well as the types of educational endeavors that best foster them. What underpins such discussions is the assumption that the child is inherently lacking, which, I argue, leads to a conceptual dead end. In this article, I explore how the concept (...)
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